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A distinct color in writing

What is in a color? What is in a color when it is in a book? The same thing goes each way, emotion.

Having a specific color to associate with something in your book is just as effective as having it on a billboard or on a building. Color breeds emotion, and sometimes the emotion your character feels may differ from the base reaction of your reader. This can be positive or negative. If you are trying to make your character relatable you should try to give a common human reaction to a color when it is featured prominently, or if not you should remember how normal people view it and think of how your character views it and why. Such is the way to make three-dimensional characters that avoid stereotypes. Let's go over some base reactions to specific colors.

Red-Anger, blood, passion, hate, fire, warmth, aggressiveness, and prominence is what people usually associate red with. This commonly causes anxiety when it is displayed too prominently, and is usually the color that pops out most at people. It can also cause more awareness and depending on the shade, can evoke a positive or negative reaction. This will definitely wake you up.

Blue-Calm, serenity, water, cool, trusting, and good. Blue is the most popular favorite color and is usually thought of as calming and cool, as it is the most distinctive cool color. Displaying it prominently will cause almost always positive reaction and cooling affect. It's naturally serene atmosphere make it a popular choice for many web sites and businesses. Another perk is it's shade tends to evoke different emotions a lot as well, it is one of the biggest colors where shade can change the message. Maybe even the absolute biggest.

Green-Nature, natural, neutral, potent, harmony, familiar. This is what green evokes. This is likely because green is often though of as a good neutral between cool and calm, although some also consider it a cool color. As the middle of both it gives a more unwavering feel, or a more neutral feel only outclassed by gray. Due to our real life situations it also may be associated with money and greed, but outside countries that use green as currency (Mostly western ones), it instead evokes more nature and naturalness. Another thing is a lot of people seem to consider it not give many different emotions based on shade.

That's all I'll be talking about today as there are a lot more things to go over and many more colors to cover, I will talk more about this soon so please stay with me. See you next time!

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